Code of Conduct

Cheyenne Gaming Convention Policies

Refund/Credit Policy

All sales for the Cheyenne Gaming Convention are final. There are no refunds on any badges, merch, or tickets under any circumstances. Please see our page for more details.

If you are unsure about being able to either afford or attend our show, please do not buy a badge to our show.

Anti-Harassment Policy

The Cheyenne Gaming Convention seeks to provide a welcoming, fun, and safe convention for the community. We do not tolerate harassment in any form. Discriminatory language and imagery (including sexual) are not appropriate for any venue, including any game sessions and any community resources such as the Cheyenne Gaming Convention social media pages. Cheyenne Gaming Convention staff have both the power and the duty to investigate all reported incidents of harassment and to remove confirmed harassers from the Cheyenne Gaming Convention venue both physical and virtual.

Harassment is understood as any behavior that threatens another person or group or produces an unsafe or uninclusive environment. It includes offensive verbal comments or non-verbal expressions related to gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, age, religious beliefs, sexual or discriminatory images in public spaces (including online), deliberate intimidation, stalking, following, harassing photography or recording, sustained disruption of talks or other events, inappropriate physical contact, and unwelcome sexual attention.

Conflict Resolution

  1. Initial Incident
    If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns, please first consider informing the offender that the speech or behavior is problematic and that you would like them to stop. Oftentimes, the offending behavior is unintentional, and the accidental offender and offended will resolve the incident by ceasing the behavior and/or apologizing. If you believe that bringing up the incident with the offender will have negative consequences for you or will only lead to further offenses, then please inform a staff member about the incident.
  2. Escalation
    If the offender insists that he/she did not offend, or if the offender continues the harassment after being asked to stop, then you will need a third party to step in. Find a staff member and let them know about the incident. If you are on the Cheyenne Gaming Convention discussion page, please email us at
  3. Investigation
    Cheyenne Gaming Convention staff are obligated to investigate thoroughly any reported incidents of harassment, seeking private accounts of the incident from all concerned parties.


All Cheyenne Gaming Convention participants asked to stop any harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately. If a participant engages in harassing behavior, staff may take any action they deem appropriate, including warning the offender, expelling the offender from Cheyenne Gaming Convention, or banning the offender from the Cheyenne Gaming Convention user community.

Specific sanctions may include but are not limited to:

  • warning the harasser to cease their behavior and that any further reports will result in other sanctions
  • requiring that the harasser avoid any interaction with, and physical proximity to, their victim for the remainder of the event
  • requiring that the harasser immediately leave Cheyenne Gaming Convention and not return
  • not allowing a person who violated the policy to attend future Cheyenne Gaming Conventions
  • ending immediately any event responsibilities and privileges the harasser holds and requiring that the harasser not attend future Cheyenne Gaming Conventions (either indefinitely or for a certain time period)
  • publishing an account of the harassment

Cheyenne Gaming Convention staff will help participants contact hotel/venue security or local law enforcement, provide escorts, or otherwise assist those experiencing harassment to feel safe for the duration of the event.

We expect participants to follow these rules in all Cheyenne Gaming Convention venue, Cheyenne Gaming Convention-related social events, and online communication channels.

We value your participation in the Cheyenne Gaming Convention community, and your efforts to keep Cheyenne Gaming Convention a safe and friendly space for all participants!

Ethics & Conduct

Any of the following will be grounds for expulsion from the Cheyenne Gaming Convention without refund:

  • Violating any federal, state or local laws, facility rules or Con policies
  • Failure to comply with the instructions of Cheyenne Gaming Convention Event Staff or security personnel
  • Using anything in a threatening or destructive manner against person or property
  • Endangering the safety of oneself or others
  • Threatening, stealing, cheating or harassing others

If at any time during our show you feel unsafe or feel you were subjected to harassing conduct, please locate a staff member and your concerns will be addressed immediately.

Privacy Policy

We are the sole owners of the information collected on this site. We only have access to/collect information that you voluntarily give us via email or other direct contact from you. We will not sell or rent this information to anyone.

We will use your information to respond to you, regarding the reason you contacted us. We will not share your information with any third party outside of Cheyenne Gaming Convention, other than the below.

*Please note* By buying a game ticket to any specific gaming event at our show, you are giving us the express permission to share your contact information with the GM or organizer of that event, should they request it. GMs/organizers often want to contact their players before their event in order to share information about that specific gaming event.

Event Ticket Exchanges

Event-specific ticket exchanges must be requested at least 30 minutes prior to the start of the event. Event ticket exchanges will be managed at the Front Desk and will only be exchanged to the person whose name is on the ticket (whether it is the purchaser or the receiver). A valid government-issued photo ID and a Cheyenne Gaming Convention badge are required to process any type of ticket exchange. For ticket exchanges, please present the ticket for the event you would like to exchange and provide the Game ID number for the event you wish to replace. If at any time during our show you feel unsafe or feel you were subjected to harassing conduct, please locate a staff member and your concerns will be addressed immediately.

Fire Arms Policy

Real firearms are not allowed at Cheyenne Gaming Convention. This includes those attendees who maintain a concealed carry weapons permit from any state. (Sworn law enforcement are excused from this policy.) Attendees who choose to ignore this policy may be asked to leave the convention and may have their badge revoked.

Event Cancellations

If an event has been canceled, please see the Registration Desk for further instructions.

Lost or Misplaced Badges & Event Tickets

We cannot replace lost, stolen or forgotten badges and/or event tickets. Please be responsible with your Cheyenne Gaming Convention materials. Lost, stolen or forgotten items must be re-purchased at full cost. It is recommended you check with the Cheyenne Gaming Convention Front Desk to see if your materials have been turned in to Lost & Found. Cheyenne Gaming Convention and Game Masters assume no responsibility for lost, stolen or forgotten materials. We are not sending anything through the mail. All badges and tickets will be will call.

Special Rules for Children

  • Kids 10 and under can enjoy free admission to the convention if they are accompanied by a badge owning adult. However, kids 10 and under are still required to buy individual game tickets if they wish to participate in games. If you wish to obtain a badge for a child age 10 or younger, that badge is free as long as the child is accompanied by a badge owning adult at all times while at Cheyenne Gaming Convention. To apply for such a badge, please send an email to and state the full name of the child, the age of the child and the full name of the badge owning adult(s) that will be accompanying the child.
  • Kids 10 and under who are merely accompanying a badge owning adult may be present in the convention. However, if these children are 11 and older and wish to participate in any convention activities they must register and pay for a badge and must buy individual game tickets to participate in games.

Waiver of Liability

The purchase of a Cheyenne Gaming Convention badge admits one person to all basic activities and exhibits at Cheyenne Gaming Convention during regularly scheduled hours for the day(s) it is purchased. Some designated activities may require payment of a separate, additional fee. In accepting a badge and in consideration for being admitted to Cheyenne Gaming Convention, the holder consents to being recorded (by audio and/or visual means) for exhibition and exploitation by any means in all media, including without limitation the Internet, worldwide in perpetuity. The badge holder releases Cheyenne Gaming Convention and Game Masters from any liability for loss or damage to persons or property, infringement of any right, or any other claim or course of action of any kind; authorizes and permits Cheyenne Gaming Convention and Game Masters and its designees which includes but is not limited to all sponsors, exhibitors and contractors to use and authorize the use of his/her name, voice, likeness and all reproductions thereof by any means and in all media now and hereafter known, including without limitation the Internet, for all purposes worldwide in perpetuity; and agrees to comply with all the rules and regulations of the Event. Cheyenne Gaming Convention and Game Masters reserve the right to deny entry or remove from the Event facilities any person who in its sole and absolute discretion is behaving or threatening to behave in a manner which it reasonably considers to be disruptive of the Cheyenne Gaming Convention.

GM Policies

Thank you for your interest in Cheyenne Gaming Convention. By choosing to submit/run/organize an event at Cheyenne Gaming Convention (CGC), you:

  • Will abide by all venue policies
  • Understand that running an event does not make you a CGC employee or contractor
  • Understand that consequences may occur as a result of violating CGC policies
  • Agree to ensure the safety of you and your players
  • Agree to follow all directions of CGC management

All event space is reserved for organized events. Any unauthorized event will be removed at CGC’s discretion. If space is available, please contact CGC staff if you would like to use it for your event. If there are problems or questions, do not attempt to fix it yourself. Please contact CGC staff.

You are responsible for the security of all items you bring to your game. If any special care is necessary, please contact CGC staff to make arrangements. CGC assumes no liability for lost or stolen items.

If there is a reason that your game can not be run, contact CGC staff immediately so the game can be canceled.

Before Your Game

You should arrive at your table at least 5 minutes prior to start time to greet your players. If your designated table is in use, contact CGC staff. Do not attempt to move your game to another table/location as this may affect other games.

All players must have a valid game ticket. If there is open space, a player without a ticket may be sent to the front desk to purchase one. The front desk is located in the main lobby of the facility. Attendees with a badge will be able to purchase tickets for any events that are not sold out if an attendee does not appear for their game and someone else would like to join in their place please contact a CGC staff member.

During Your Game

Check that all players are wearing valid badges during all games. You need to be wearing a valid badge as well. If players or GMs are found to not be wearing valid badges, they will be warned and if necessary, removed or the game may be canceled.

Games should run as they were represented in the initial submission. No changes can be made without CGC approval. This includes start/end time, location and content. If any changes are necessary, contact CGC staff.

If there are any problems with disruptive players or security issues, contact the nearest CGC staff member.

After Your Game

Clean up your space. The area should be left as you found it. If you see areas of concern (trash, broken chairs/tables, spills), please contact CGC staff.

Please ensure that the table number and holder that was present on your table at the beginning of your game is present and clearly visible at the end of your game.

GM, Exhibitor, & Special Guest Lounge

Our GMs will have a place of their own to relax, get some refreshments and prepare their games. The GM, Special Guest & Exhibitor Lounge will be reserved for those who run slotted games at Cheyenne Gaming Convention. There will be snacks and beverages available and our GMs will be able to rub elbows with our Special Guests and Exhibitors who will be using this lounge as well.

If you have any questions, please contact us atĀ

Have a great Cheyenne Gaming Convention!